I CAN Be Crafty...

Well sorta...I'm not sure if gluing 100 bows onto a t-shirt is considered "crafty" - but I'm feeling kind of proud of myself. I even had the wherewithall to make a nifty hair bow. Huh? You say. Well - tomorrow is Princess' 100th day of school (which - by the way - she just got honor roll...again...you go girl!)

One hour of gluing and I am still picking glue out of my hair, off my hands and from my eyebrows. Really people? Am I the best person for this job? Hubby says yes - but right now I'm not so sure!

So - here is the result of my crafting genius - ignore the clutter in the background - I'm facing one challenge at a time here! LOL

This is the front of the shirt - 50 bows in all - again, uber moms of the world, please disregard the clutter on the table - I'm on step one of this 125,968,245 step program!

And the back of the shirt - where 50 more bows have been added to the shirt. See that creepy, spidery, suspicious looking thing sitting at the top of the neckline? That's the bow I made to go with it! Now she'll have a matching hair bow to go with her green, purple, pink, yellow, brown, and silver shirt!!!


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